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Battery positive traction screw

1,21 IVA inc.

Special screw for connection of traction batteries and stationary solar batteries. For the positive terminal of forklift batteries.

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Characteristics Battery positive traction screw

Special screw with insulating safety head made of polypropylene for connectors and flexible cables. By means of insulating screws and flexible jumpers we can connect 2V elements in industrial batteries. In this way, 12V, 24v, 36v, 48v or 80V accumulators are mounted; connecting in series the 2V modules of the forklift, solar or industrial batteries.

The positive traction battery screw incorporates, in the center of the hexagonal head, a test point to perform measurements with the multimeter and check the voltage of the 2V elements individually.

High fixing power due to the anaerobic adhesive on the screw thread. The anaerobic adhesive provides vibration resistance and an airtight seal to prevent leakage into the element. It also has anticorrosive properties to prevent environmental aging. They are highly resistant to temperature (withstanding up to 180 °C, in some cases) and chemical agents.

How to connect traction battery screws

The traction battery screws are threaded into the terminal of the 2V modules of the traction and industrial batteries to fix the flexible connections. They are fixed by means of a torque wrench with a 22mm hexagonal head and a maximum pressure of 23Nm (newton). All available flexible connections of different sizes can be connected.

By means of this screw, in addition to forklift batteries, it is also used in stationary solar batteries of different types such as: Opzs, Topzs, Sopzs, among others.

Additional information

Weight 0,1 kg

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