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Request a quote for batteries

Our Technical Department wants to help you

Complete the following form and we will send you a personalised offer for the battery you need or the product you are interested in. You will receive the quotation with the technical data sheet and detailed characteristics.

We offer better prices to companies!

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    Caracteristicas de la bateria/máquina

    Dimensiones de la bateria (mm)

    Datos del Cliente

    Opción de compra

    Informate sobre las opciones de Renting

    Tratamiento de Datos

    1. Responsable de los datos: Recuperadora Baterias Extremeña SL

    2. Finalidad: enviar presupuestos solicitados y promoción de productos

    3. Almacenamiento de los datos: Base de datos alojada en Soluciones Web On Line S.L

    4. Derechos: En cualquier momento puedes acceder, rectificar, limitar y suprimir tus datos.

    How to identify the forklift battery?

    YouTube video

    Tailor-made manufacturing

    Send us this form with the measurements and data, so that we can send you a quote for the manufacture of the battery for your forklift. We manufacture your battery to measure with the best quality in lead and other components.

    baterias y amperios - manufacturing
    baterias y amperios - manufacturing
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    bateriasyamperios-battery mount
    baterias y amperios- forklift battery installation

    Customised offer for wheelbarrow battery

    We improve individual offers for companies. In our offer we detail delivery times and you can count on our technical advice.

    All BRANDS

    We have batteries for all makes and models of electric forklift trucks.

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