+34 924 555 443

+34 630 957 318

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    1. Responsable de los datos: Recuperadora Baterias Extremeña SL
    2. Finalidad: enviar presupuestos solicitados y promoción de productos
    3. Almacenamiento de los datos: Base de datos alojada en Soluciones Web On Line S.L
    4. Derechos: En cualquier momento puedes acceder, rectificar, limitar y suprimir tus datos.

    Rebatex SL we are specialists in the wholesale of industrial batteries and accessories for all types of solar photovoltaic applications. We offer beneficial solutions that adapt to the needs and technical characteristics requested.

    Our mission, to achieve economic savings in the batteries and solar photovoltaic equipment of your company through our advice and proposing solutions.

    We have equipment and experience in the sector, we can cover and satisfy your energy needs throughout Spain. In case you need a particular solution, our technical team will work for you to find the solution you need.


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